Member Spotlight

Daniel Ward

Software Consultant, Lean TECHniques

Member Since January, 2024

Daniel is a software consultant at Lean TECHniques who helps teams deliver high quality software. He works with teams to adopt various agile and lean practices, such as effective CI/CD, automated testing, and product management. With experience in developing software and consulting teams across several industries including financial, retail, and agriculture, he has fulfilled roles including technical coach, agile coach, tech lead, with a primary background as a software developer. He finds fulfillment in his work by working with others to understand their individual problems and working together to improve their products and professional enjoyment. The .NET ecosystem is where he is most comfortable and finds the most enjoyment. He also enjoys playing piano, swing dancing, and his own personal programming projects in his free time, including game development, for which he has a company called Nightcap Games that he has released one game under.

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