Session Spotlight

Kris Boedigheimer

Camp Counselor

Entrepreneurship for Start-Ups and Professionals

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Tuesday, January 30, 2024 - 10:00 PM UTC, for 1 hour.

Regular, 60 minute presentation

Room: Campsite 6

#entrepreneur #business

Having an entrepreneurial outlook in your full-time job will help you in business by making you more creative, resilient, adaptable, and confident. Or if you have dreamed of owning your own business, but do not know where to start. We will look at how to complete a cash flow document, write a business plan, discuss funding options, and review business structures. We will also touch on taxes, bookkeeping, staffing, and marketing. You will leave knowing how to start a business and how the process can make you a better employee. As the Associate Director of a Small Business Development Center, I have worked to help many businesses through the startup process. As a former Business Analyst and developer, I can map how this process enhances your business acumen.



Take Aways

  • Complete a cash flow document, write a business plan, discuss funding options, and review business structures, We will also touch on taxes, bookkeeping, staffing, and marketing, Learn how to start a business and how the process can make you a better employee.
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