Session Spotlight

Kabrina Ashley

Camp Counselor

The Art of Data Storytelling: Bridging the Gap Between Numbers and Impact

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Wednesday, January 31, 2024 - 10:00 PM UTC, for 1 hour.

Regular, 60 minute presentation

Room: Campsite 6

project management
data decision making

In the age of data-driven decision-making, the ability to convey the insights hidden within numbers has become a superpower. However, for many tech enthusiasts and professionals, the challenge lies in presenting data in a way that's accessible, engaging, and impactful. In this interactive session, join Kabrina Ashley, an accomplished Disney Trainer turned messaging expert, on a journey to unlock the art of data storytelling. Kabrina will draw on her unique blend of expertise in communication, psychology, and gamification to guide you through the process of turning raw data into narratives that resonate with any audience. Through captivating examples and practical exercises, you'll learn how to captivate attention, simplify complexity, and connect emotionally with your listeners, whether they're tech-savvy or not.


None Needed

Take Aways

  • Master the fundamentals of data storytelling: Learn how to structure your data-driven narratives for maximum impact, from setting the stage to delivering a memorable conclusion.
  • Embrace the power of relatability: Discover techniques to translate technical jargon into relatable analogies and metaphors, making complex concepts easy to understand.
  • Engage through emotion: Explore the psychology of storytelling and how to infuse emotion into your data presentations, leaving a lasting impression on your audience.
  • Craft your narrative toolkit: Develop a set of proven strategies to transform even the most intricate data sets into compelling stories that stick.
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