Session Spotlight
All About C# Source Generators
Wednesday, July 31, 2024 - 10:30 AM CDT, for 1 hour.
Regular, 60 minute presentation
Room: African 50
While using Reflection is still a necessary tool for any developer. The Roslyn source generators are a compelling way to write code while your users are writing their code. In this talk, Shawn will build a source generator from scratch to show you all the gory details. While many developers won't need to write source generators as part of their everyday development job; understanding what is happening behind the scenes will aid in debugging when it goes wrong. In addition, developers can see new metaprogramming techniques that might help them build a better ecosystem in their own jobs.
Should have familiarity with C#.
Take Aways
- Make sense of code generation under the covers of .NET Core
- See the metaprogramming opportunities of Source Generators