Session Spotlight

Jessica Knaak

Camp Counselor

Exploring Ultraviolet Light: A Casual Stroll through the Invisible Spectrum

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Monday, January 29, 2024 - 10:30 AM CST, for 1 hour.

Regular, 60 minute presentation

Room: Nile


Open to all ages, but bring your parents; this talk invites you to not only learn about the mysteries of ultraviolet light but also roll up your sleeves for hands-on experiments and DIY projects. From simple demonstrations to crafting your own UV-sensitive creations, join us for an interactive session that brings the invisible spectrum to life. We will be exploring the science of fluorescence, phosphorescence, and chemiluminescence using a UV light. Then you will be able to create multiple DIY projects using sunlight and UV light to take home or share with your camper friends. One of the projects will take a few hours to finish (you do not need to be present :) ) so they will be available to pick up Monday night at game night.


No experience needed.

Take Aways

  • Learn about making cool things with light
  • Exploring light we can't see
favorited by:
Cori Drew