Session Spotlight

Jim Holmes

Camp Counselor

Learn to Become a Public Speaker

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Sunday, January 15, 2023 - 3:00 PM UTC, for 4 hours.

Workshop (pre-conference)

Room: Campsite 4

public speaking

You. You right there. Yes, you! You have an amazing story inside you, and you're struggling on how to get that story out to others in your community—but you're scared and you don't know where to start. This workshop will not teach you to be an international rockstar ninja keynote speaker. This workshop WILL teach you how to find your own authentic voice, and how to overcome your fears so you can get in front of a crowd and share what's important to you. In this workshop you'll learn tips for refining that story of yours into a good concept. You'll walk through figuring out target audiences like user groups, meetups, conferences, or company lunch and learns. You'll get tips on figuring out your own presentation style, and how to build great slide decks that help you tell your story. You'll also learn critical aspects of presenting talks including managing stage fright, effective movement on stage, controlling audience interaction, hooking your audience into your story, and handling follow up communications. Full-day workshops will also give you an opportunity to practice a short talk and get feedback from the other attendees. This workshop is a Lean Coffee format: Attendees build the topics, and Jim will facilitate group discussion—plus sprinkle in his own experience and opinions. Learn how you can share that story that's bubbling inside you!


Lean Coffee to drive attendee concepts, but topics generally include these topics Why do public speaking? Building the story (finding topic, clarifying, focusing) Finding a place to tell the story Working on abstracts and submitting Exercise/working groups Creating a great deck Giving the talk (dealing with stage fright, mechanics, technical stuff) Exercise/working groups If you want a full day (8-hour) workshop then attendees build and deliver a three- to five-minute talk


No prereqs or experience. Just a desire to tell a story!

Take Aways

  • Learn ideas for delivering a public presentation
  • Find an audience for your story
  • Learn mechanics on building a talk you can succeed at
favorited by:
Michael Richardson Colin Lord Brian Morrison II Clark Sell Vagmi Mudumbai Brendan Enrick Matt Payne Alex Trader