Sunday, July 25th, '21
4:30 PM CDT
- You made it in to town and are ready to get started. Tomorrow starts our Pre-Conference workshops and were really excited to get started! Headregistrationpre-conference
Monday, July 26th, '21
6:00 AM CDT
- Need a quiet space to think and recharge your brain and computer? Head here!rechargeworkquiet
6:30 AM CDT
- Wake up early and come on down and get registered for your precon session(s) before they get started. Registration starts at 6:30 AM.registrationprecon
8:00 AM CDT
- Interested in cybersecurity? Curious what "hacking" really looks like? This workshop will introduce you to the basic theory behind penetration testing and teach you the common@cybersecuritysecurityhacking
- Live web site reviews to demonstrate tools, approach, and techniques to improve performance. Bring your URL and we'll see what we can find and recommend.Web PerformanceSpeedOptimization
- We will demonstrate how to manage the full lifecycle of a modern application using Microsoft Azure tooling. We will start with how we are goingcloudazurearchitecturedevops
- During this conference workshop, we'll be setting up your digital campsite. This will be a space to let the world know who you are, whatsveltenetlifygithubportfolionetworking
12:00 PM CDT
1:00 PM CDT
- Learn the basics of Python! No prior programing experience required.pythonprogrammingbeginner
5:00 PM CDT
- You just rolled into town, tent is setup, now what? Why not, stop down at the convention center, and get registered before the rush. Onceregistration
5:30 PM CDT
- Come on in and learn about microcontrollers. NOTE: See full description or at for items to purchase and bring along to participate inmicrocontrollersarduinoneopixeliotmaker
Tuesday, July 27th, '21
6:00 AM CDT
- Need a quiet space to think and recharge your brain and computer? Head here!rechargeworkquiet
- Start the day off right, with a little walk, jog, run, whatever. Get those muscles moving, talk to a fellow geek and enjoy the summerexercise5k
- You just rolled into town, tent is setup and now what? Time to get registered before we officially get started. Once you have your badgeregistration
7:30 AM CDT
- Get out of bed sleepy head and get fed. Come down to the mess hall, grab a plate, cup of java, and wake up beforefoodcollaboratebreakfast
8:30 AM CDT
10:30 AM CDT
- Data without spatial reference doesn’t provide geographic context. And without geographic context, you can’t fully understand the world that we live in today. We'll reviewGeospatialDatabaseWeb
- Are you working on a side project and aren't close to your development machine? If you have access to a web browser, you can codeGitHub CodespacesGitPodDockerWeb IDEDevelopment
- Let's use some basic Machine Learning concepts to build an at-home bird identification solution (that can even be used remotely!) with a Raspberry Pi andiotmltinymltensorflow litepython
- You've currently got a .NET Framework web app and want it to run on .NET 5migration
- This talk will introduce you to the fastest growing framework in the world right now - Flutter.FlutterFrameworkIntroductionMobileWeb
- This session focuses on building a framework for cloud migration, from application assessment, through migration and governance of applications in the cloud.
- Tap into the business complexity-wrangling power of object-oriented user experience (OOUX) to plan, design, build, and deliver better APIs. In this session, you’ll get aoouxapi designuser experienceinterface design
11:30 AM CDT
- We know you want to eat right??? We might not have a campfire but we do have food. During lunch on Monday we will kicklunchfoodcollaborate
12:15 PM CDT
- We couldn't fit it all onto the menu so we've dedicated 10k square feet for Open Spaces. Open Spaces is a great way to meetopen spaceskickoff
1:00 PM CDT
- At some point, everyone will face the same challenge. You find yourself where a team is looking to you for which direction to go. HowManagementLeadinggrowthchangedirection
- Duel time! Let's compare the feature, pros and cons of Python's frameworks FastAPI (the new kid) and Flask (the battle tested one).pythonAPIframeworksFastAPIFlask
- In this talk, we look at how React apps are tested E2E and why Jest stands out compared to other test frameworks. We do a
- If consumers love a brand’s story, 55% of them are more likely to buy the product in the future, 44% will share the story, and
- Android dev is great now, come hear whyandroidjetpackmobile
- After this session you'll not only be able to start implementing feature flags, but you'll also want to separate your releases from your deployments. Youfeature flagscanary testingab testing
- How can teams take advantage of the tremendous resources available from Microsoft. We'll cover how to build entire CI/CD web ecosystem for dev, uat, stageazure devopsautomationpowershell.NET
- If you’re a junior developer who’s ever wondered if joining tech was a terrible idea, this is the talk for you! The road to successjunior developerearly careerprofessional development
- Redux is great, but its overuse and boilerplate code can leave your app feeling bloated. Pack light and consider using Apollo Client as your globalReactReduxGraphQLApolloState Management
- Family TrackKid activities in the Family Track areaKidsFamilyRobots
2:30 PM CDT
- Use Docker with open source tools to get fast feedback on website.dockertestingdevops
- So an application security penetration test is on your radar: perhaps you’ve scheduled to receive one, already been through one, or maybe even just curioussecurityinfosecpentest
- In a world of "yes, and.." it's important to define the important things, and those things we can care a little less about.valuesstoicismtrue northpersonalprofessional
- Learn all about NoSQL databases; why you should consider going from a relational database to a NoSQL database; and how to make that transition.NoSQLDatabasesCloudAzureCosmosDB
- The Greeter demo is the most common getting started walkthrough I’ve found, and quite honestly, it’s worthless. Other than initial project setup, it doesn’tgRPCgRPC.NETprotoWeb Services
- Connecting systems is easy but what happens when it goes wrong? A cautionary tale of realizing it can go wrong, and how to fix it.
- Who has time to develop software for all the platforms out there? No one that's who! In this session, we will take a lookfluttermobilecross-platformdart
4:00 PM CDT
- This is an intro Xamarin Forms for .NET developers who are looking to learn mobile app development.
- Going through the good, the bad, the ugly of modeling relationships between objects in order to prevent poor performing, impossible to maintain, and downright horribledatamodelingsqlarchitecturerelationships
- Static files make for fast websites; CMS's make for easy-to-update websites. Do both at the same time.cmsstatic generationjamstack
- Explaining fundamental concepts about object-oriented programming can sometimes feel like trying to nail jello to a wall. Using physical objects as a metaphor for objects
- Learn how to build for iOS, Android, and the web, all with one codebase. Have an existing modern web app built with any web framework?capacitorioniccordovahybridjavascript
- Do you like robot carnage? Really, who doesn’t love robotic kinetic destruction? Horizontal spinners, vertical spinners, flippers, crushers, oh my... If you Love Battlebots - but don’tRoboticsClubsMaker
5:30 PM CDT
- After the last session on Tuesday don’t go running off just yet, stick around for **happy hour**. We’re rolling out the beverage carts and somehappy hourcollaborate
Wednesday, July 28th, '21
7:00 PM CDT
- In case you haven’t heard, there is going to be a Game Night social event on Tuesday during That Conference. What could be better aftergamesfamilyfuncollaborate
- Family TrackCome a play catch with two competition robots built by KnightKrawler, a high school robotics team from New Brighton, MN.Robots
6:00 AM CDT
- Need a quiet space to think and recharge your brain and computer? Head here!rechargeworkquiet
- Start the day off right, with a little walk, jog, run, whatever. Get those muscles moving, talk to a fellow geek and enjoy the summer5kexercise
7:30 AM CDT
- Get out of bed sleepy head and get some chow. Come down to the mess hall, grab a plate, some java, and wake up beforebreakfastfoodcollaborate
8:30 AM CDT
10:30 AM CDT
- Accessibility is simple with Angular, React, and Vue. We will the basics of a11y with all three!
- Knowing what CX and UX Adoption looks like is the most important element for success
- Simply put - why experiments are important and how to design one effectively.productexperimentationdesigntestingiteration
- Human Factors (HFE) has traditionally been in UX/Design. But in the last two years more and more research is coming out related to HFE incybersecurityhuman factorsemergingtechnologypsychology
- Comparing serverless functions between the big 3 providers: AWS Lamba, Azure Functions and GCP Serverless ComputingServerlessAWS LambdaAzure FunctionGCP Serverless
- This session will walk through how to use text analytics APIs in Azure cognitive services, to analyze free form text responses to survey questions .Data ScienceData AnalyticsData VisualizationMachine LearningCloud Computing
- The Oculus Quest 2 has sold over 5 MILLION devices so far! For the first time VR has broken through the early adopter crowd andVirtual RealityUnityOculus QuestGame Development
- It's one of the most popular and versatile programming languages in the world. It has applications from web development to data science. And it payspython
- Let's discover the new trend in term of Web building toolsJavaScriptDevtoolsCompiling
- Are you an adventurer and a developer? If so, you can use a graph database to model the relationships in a dungeon to optimize yourdatabaseredisgraph databasedungeons & dragons
11:30 AM CDT
- We know you want to eat right??? We might not have a campfire but we do have food. Enjoy the bacon and relax with alunchfoodcollaborate
12:15 PM CDT
- Don't stand in the way of your own success. Learn how to prepare for interviews, social media presence and promotional opportunities with a professional promoter
1:00 PM CDT
- Sure neural networks are cool but have you ever used a Firefly Algorithm to find the solution to a problem? How about an Ant Colonyaimlalgorithmbest pathoptimization
- Learn how to generate code in C#C#.NET
- Everyone wants to build things people want but how do you do that? During this session we will learn why we listen to users,product roadmapcustomer feedback loophypotheses testingDomain Mapping
- ServerlessCloudBackendAPI
- Apache Maven is a widely used build and dependency management tool. Apache Maven is used in many projects and does something ... But what actuallymavenbuildCIdevopstools
- Learn how to take advantage of deep learning with neural networks and Python. See TensorFlow detect images. Use Jupyter notebook to train models quickly. Andpythonmachine learningdeep learningtensorflowkeras
- Learn how to find and address common accessibility problems found in your HTML/CSS code.accessibilityinclusiondesignQAwcag
- Over the past 20 years, KBX Technology Solutions developed an internal Transportation Management Solution (TMS) that has grown and expanded to manage much of KochKubernetesCloud NativeContainersKafkaCI/CD
- Family TrackKid activities in the Family Track area
2:30 PM CDT
- How to add AI / machine Learning to your website search through Azure Cognitive Services with it's brand new semantic search. Join the session
- The constantly shifting world of technology is always providing developers with new things to learn: languages, tools, techniques. Keeping your skills current is a full-timelearningeducationindependent learningtutorials
- When learning functional programming, it's not easy to decide where to start or even what some of the jargon means. This talk focuses on threefunctional programmingtypescriptc#
- Code reviews come in a lot of shapes and sizes, but they all share fundamentals components. We'll dive into the body of the code reviewcode reviewqualityteamculture
- Applied AI Services include business logic to solve common business problems in a customizable way for your individual needs. If you've felt like AI andCloudAIAzureApplied AIMachine Learning
4:00 PM CDT
- Principles to apply in your charts, graphs, maps and other images that represent data.
- Design systems have grown in popularity in recent years. It’s easy to see the benefits. A design system serves as the one source of truthdesign systemdesigndesign systems
- In my experience building dozens of skills for Alexa, and working with hundreds of developers on their own voice applications, I've identified ten specific patternsalexavoiceambientassistant
- Creativity can improve your mental health.CreativityMental Health
- Developed at Google, Design Sprints are a proven methodology for solving problems for your users. This set of exercises allows a team to quickly developDesign SprintsCollaborationBrainstormingDesign Thinking
- Integrating accessibility checks into your CI/CD pipelineCI/CDADAAccessibilityAutomated Testing
- This is an all encompassing leadership talk on my experiences failing and growing as a leader of technology teams. I'll help you lean some tacticalleadershipmanagementcommunicationteam building
- In this talk we will use Unity and OpenCV to create a cross-platform mobile application that performs tracking/dection through a mobile phone's camera.unity3dopencvcomputer visiongames
5:30 PM CDT
- Day 2, you’re loaded with tech and getting a little tired. Its ok, we have just the answer; a Pig Roast. We’re camping, who saidfoodpig roast
Thursday, July 29th, '21
9:30 PM CDT
- Are you about to overheat from a long day taking in the tech? Well we have just the answer, the waterpark. Get some food, andwaterparkfamilyslideswaverider
6:00 AM CDT
- Need a quiet space to think and recharge your brain and computer? Head here!rechargeworkquiet
- Start the day off right, with a little walk, jog, run, whatever. Get those muscles moving, talk to a fellow geek and enjoy the summerexercise5k
7:30 AM CDT
- Get out of bed sleepy head and get some chow. Come down to the mess hall, grab a plate, some java, and wake up beforebreakfastfoodcollaborate
8:30 AM CDT
9:30 AM CDT
- Family TrackWe are going to read the book Hello Ruby and then have a dance party to learn about loops. Come on in, enjoy the bookloopsdancebook
10:30 AM CDT
- Every developer gets stuck. The key to success as a developer is knowing how to get yourself unstuck. This talk will reframe the act of getting
- ChatOps and Getting Started with HubotChatOpshubot
- A tour of common advanced database features you may not know are thereDatabaseSQLReporting
- Learn the fundamentals of cryptography with real life examplesSecurityPrivacyCryptographyData Protection
- Physical realities and virtual realities have a very interesting interplay. Could how we perceive curb appeal of a Building teach us something about Website userSoftware Design Custom User Experience web
- NoSQL document databases provide unique capabilities of scaling, flexibility, and performance for a wide variety of use cases. However, many developers from relational backgrounds areNoSQLACIDtransactionsmodellingCouchbase
- We all know, our careers take up a HUGE portion of our lives, so, how do we make the most of our work-life? In thiswork-life balancehappinessimprovementsoft skills
- .NET MAUI is Microsoft's new framework for building cross-platform apps for iOS, Android, Windows and macOS, all using C#! Join me as we learn howMAUI.NETC#XamarinMobile
11:30 AM CDT
- We know you want to eat right??? We might not have a campfire but we do have food. Enjoy the bacon and relax with alunchfoodcollaborate
1:00 PM CDT
- The Azure Stack Development Kit (ASDK) is a full implementation of Azure Stack which can be helpful for prototyping private and hybrid cloud workload destinedAzure StackHybridASDKAzure
- Your product can satisfy the customer every time.Sales SkillsCustomer FeedbackProblem SolvingDefinition of Done
- There are years that ask questions and years that answer. - Zora Neal Hurston On March 5th, 2019 - I was a 350 lb man, whopersonal developmentgrowthhealthgoals
- What is really the best architecture to use for your project?
- Maybe you want to get promoted or maybe you're just looking to build trust with your teammates. We don't need to go back to theRemote WorkGetting PromotedTeam CultureCareer Development
- Change detection is basically magic (it's not), and it can cause all sorts of befuddling results if you don't really understand how it works. InReactAngularChange DetectionState ManagementDebugging
- Using App Insights to gain visibility into our deployed code.azurecloudmonitoring
2:30 PM CDT
- A walk through of some of the major mistakes I've made writing Reactjs over the last 4 years.
- In this 200 level technical session we will take a dip into HPE GreenLake and HPE Ezmeral container platform and see where GreenLake capabilities canHybridGreenLake
- Whether you are in a small startup or a large enterprise org, one thing that stands true is that front-end code is inconsistent at bestweb componentscustom elementsdesign system
- Everybody's been on one of those projects: where we SAY we're "doing agile" but in fact we're doing something else. This is Keith's observations onleanagile
- async / await, record types, generators, C# is starting to look like magic. Want to see what is really going on? In this session we'lldotnetC#compilerasync
- As a state runner-up, national speech competitor, and That Conference counselor I’d like to share my experience and help you learn how to present yourSpeakingConferences
- Event-driven architectures will help you build applications that are more scalable and easier to maintain. Events can help you smooth out load, decouple microservices, andService BusEvent Driven Architecture
- We will use a simple house drone ($100), Python and C# to analyze drone telemetry and learn Machine Learning concepts. And, besides the drone telemetrydroneazureIotmachine learninganomaly detection
4:00 PM CDT
- It's hard to believe after all of this prep, hard work and three days of fun, it has to come to a close. But beforethank youclosing
- public apioauthwebhooksauthorizationAPI
- reactjamstackjavascriptcomponents