Member Spotlight
Dustin Johnson
Director of Learning and Development, 3Cloud Solutions
Member Since December, 2021
Dustin has been the wearer of many hats: Strategist, Scientist, Professor, Designer, Facilitator and Consultant. These roles have allowed him to explore the ways in which positive, social and cognitive psychology interact with learning, skill building and leadership development. His personal mission is to align the needs of the organization and the needs of its employees in a way that allows them to work together towards individual fulfillment of purpose and organizational success. While pursuing his PhD in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, he completed his longitudinal, training dissertation by creating the new field of "Positive Goal Progression". He found that folks who were trained to put their strengths front-and-center of their work planning were significantly more likely to create and maintain their own employee engagement. Since then, Dustin has brought scientific inquiry and human-centered empathy to his work in organizational learning. His work has included brining self-awareness to leaders through assessments, bias exposure, and gamification; Transferring knowledge of deep smarts from subject-matter experts into scalable solutions for local nonprofits to Fortune500 companies; As well as strategically building culture through the interplay between talent management and the neuroscience behind employee engagement and learning. All with an emphasis of testing hypotheses, measuring effect size, and making data-driven decisions utilizing advancements in technology to prove return on investment.
The align function in PowerPoint
Dustin Johnson
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