Session Spotlight

Patrick Dillon

Camp Counselor

Christmas In JS/July: Building a Holiday Light Show

Event Logo

Thursday, July 28, 2022 - 10:30 AM CDT, for 1 hour.

Regular, 60 minute presentation

Room: G


Holiday light shows are a popular DIY tech exposition: the ultimate excuse to destroy your decorating budget, try your hand at some high voltage wiring any electrician would probably frown upon, and commit to breathing life into that dormant Pi or Arduino sitting in your desk drawer. You’ve stocked the hardware, watched showcase videos, and studied a few blog posts. Now it’s time to wire up, power on, and boot some code to control it all. There’s a selection of solid applications for light show automation available, but maybe your idea of fun is saying "nah - I'm gonna do my own thing". Oh, side projects... I’ll share stories from building out a music light show stack leveraging a lot of the same technologies and patterns used on the job in full-stack JS development.

Supporting Resources

favorited by:
Justin Weyenberg John Kozlowski Justin Allard Eric Boyd Andrea Griffiths Daniel Braun Simone LaMarche