Session Spotlight

Allen Zaudtke

Camp Counselor

Embracing Sql Server

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Wednesday, July 27, 2022 - 1:00 PM CDT, for 1 hour.

Regular, 60 minute presentation

Room: 5

Sql Server

In the .NET landscape Entity Framework is the de-facto way to interact with Sql Server. That's fine, it's a good tool and handles most of what you need. However, as developers we tend to have an all or nothing approach to things, and as we've moved to embrace Entity Framework, we've also spurned the database for numerous reasons, some valid, and some I don't understand. This session will look at some things in Sql Server that we have spurned, and then show why maybe we were a bit hasty in our decisions. We'll start out by reviewing some application scenarios where Sql features are more beneficial than a straight ORM approach. Then we'll move into specific features of the database and when we want to use them, as well as why. Finally, we'll look at a JSON in Sql Server. We all know it isn't the greatest implementation out there, but it does have value. You'll see, I promise. As you leave, you'll have ability to look for areas, where sql is better than code.


General Entity Framework or other ORM knowledge.

Take Aways

  • Scenarios where SQL better than ORM
  • How Sql Features can benefit your code
  • JSON in Sql Server
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